31 oktober 2011


After the Overland track, we got to Hobart, which is the largest city in Tasmania, but very small compared to Melbourne. It's a very neat and picturesque city located around the outlet of river derwent with the massive Mt Wellington in the horizon. We didn't have to sit down in Princess' park for a long time before a guy walks up to us and says, you must be Scandinavian! How could you tell, we replied. Then he said. You are barefoot, bearded, tanned and your drinking beers. Haha, is that the stereotype?
Anyway, this guy, Ben, had been living in Finland for about five years and could therefore speak excellent swedish!

After a few more days in Hobart, we flew back to Melbourne again. We've had beautiful weather, great temperatures, awesome people to share it with and cold beers to satisfy our thirst.

Last night was as you all know halloween and my dear friend Martin Bo Erik Eriksson, alias E-type, and his band Oh'Deanna was playing at the Empress in Nicholson street. I have so been looking forward to hear them play for a long time. I really liked it, glad they started playing together again! Good luck in the future!

Ericsson and Deanna!
Oh yeah, that's right... I forgot to tell you that a lethal virus started spreading through Melbourne yesterday, some of us felt really sick, we felt dead. After a few hours in the bar, listening to some other band playing after Oh'Deanna, it was time to say farewell to everyone. Because today, we are finally flying to Christchurch New Zealand.
We are going to buy them bikes, and start riding.
Are we excited or what!

Anyway, thank you Melbourne for this time, it's been lovely.. And especially the Vaughan family, thank you for taking care of us like we were family! I love you all!

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